Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HENI on Facebook

Visit HENI's Facebook page and become a Fan. We post upcoming events, history resources, and museum/organizational experiences appropriate for history classrooms. Plus, fans can post information for events at their organization or in their area.


We also have a listserv for sending regular mailings with events and resources in Indiana. If you are interested in joining, send an e-mail with your name included to: HENICONNECT-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU

INDepth: Children’s Literature Workshop

WHAT: IHS INDepth: Children’s Literature Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, May 15, 9a.m. – 12:30p.m.
WHERE: Indiana Historical Society, 450 W. Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN
COST: $55/$45 IHS Members
REGISTRATION: required by May 5; limited to 20 participants; (317) 232-1882 Include a one page book proposal and a 2 page writing sample with emphasis on character development, dialogue, and/or scene setting

INFORMATION: (317) 232-1882
WEBSITE: www.indianahistory.org

Join IHS Press authors Elizabeth O’Maley (By Freedom’s Light) and Alan Garinger (Alone: The Journey of the Boy Sims) as they explore the process of writing a successful children’s book. Along with IHS Press editor Teresa Baer, these authors will share insights on how to shape a children’s (historical) book by carefully approaching the research, crafting the appropriate voice, and utilizing feedback from publishers and editors. Baer will also provide participants hints and tips on how to approach a publisher and how the publishing process works, including marketing and promotion. Participants should include a book proposal and writing sample with their registration and will consult with one of the presenters. This workshop is not for writers of children’s picture books, but rather children’s and youth chapter books.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teaching with Primary Sources: Using “American Memory”

WHAT: Teaching with Primary Sources: Using “American Memory”
WHAT: 3 credit, graded course through IUPUI School of Education
WHEN: July 12-23, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: IUPUI Campus, local archives
CONTACT: Kendra Clauser at kclauser@iupui.edu
INFORMATION: http://education.iupui.edu/opd/SITC/pdf/sitc2010.pdf

IUPUI School of Education in conjunction with the History Educators Network of Indiana is offering “Teaching with Primary Sources: Using American Memory” a course exploring the Library of Congress American Memory digital collection. During this course, participants will experience local archives and discuss historical research with historians. Then participants will enhance their analysis skills with historical documents, conduct their own research, and create classroom materials incorporating items from the American Memory collection. Each participant will develop curricular components that meet Indiana Academic Standards, and present his or her work to colleagues. This course meets on the IUPUI campus, though some sessions involve field trips to off-site locations. A stipend of $500 is available to the first 20 students who register and complete the course. This course is sponsored by the History Educators Network of Indiana through a grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region. Contact Kendra Clauser at kclauser@iupui.edu for additional information.